Woodford County Democrats

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14 days to November 5 General Election Day • -34 days until most 2025 local candidate petitioning starts

If you were wondering if there were Democrats, centrists, and progressives in Woodford County: Now you know! We all do better, when we all do better. Feel free to contact us with questions or to get on our local announcements list. Or click in any title below to expand it and get more information:

Be a paid Election Judge

Woodford County needs more judges across the county! Election judges sit at the polls, get paid $160+ per election day, and get to meet all the voters at the precinct. There are usually only 1 or 2 election days per year, and election judges serve from 5am to around 8pm. Any 18 year old citizen can be an election judge. Want to know more? Contact us for election judge info.

16 or older? Register to vote!

If you're a U.S. citizen, not in jail, and will be at least 18 years old by November 5, 2024, you have the right to vote in the next regular elections, and should register to vote now, and again whenever you move. You can choose to register online, by mail, or in person:

Everything above can also be used to update your address when you move.

Are you sure you're a Republican?

Most of America's traditional values — such as a family-supporting wage for 40 hours/week of work; the moral examples of curing the sick and feeding the needy; the drive to make every child into a responsible, learned, contributing adult even if the parents weren't; the basic principle that no innocent American citizen should be denied their vote — are all Democratic principles. If this sounds more like you, get it touch with us and we'd love to talk to you.

About the Woodford Democrats

The Woodford County Democratic Central Committee (WCDCC) encourages local involvement in political activities, based on Democratic principles. You do not have to join any political organization to come to most Woodford Democrat meetings or activities. We provide election oversight by recruiting precinct committeepersons and election judges. We endeavor to assist and recruit candidates and volunteers who will put the average citizen's concerns above special interests that enrich the few at the expense of the many. Our guiding principle is: We all do better, when we all do better.

Next meetings & events

Meet Democrats, talk politics, do business — and sometimes eat. Click on "Calendars" below to open the calendar for events, including virtual events.

Calendars: Democratic & civic events

The first calendar shows Woodford County Democrats selected events: blue indicates Democratic and progressive events, and orange indicates other civic events.

For people who like to include calendars on their devices: here's the iCal (.ics) feed for Democratic events and iCal (.ics) feed for civic events.


See the official Woodford County Democratic Party page on Facebook

Help get it done

Donate locally

Woodford County Democrats are locally controlled and organized, and get very little support from the state and national party. So your donations support local decisions on Democratic issues, organizing, and candidates, including local and county Democratic candidates and campaigns. You can donate instantly to us online by clicking here, or contact us to arrange for cash or check donations.

Volunteer, organize, and participate

We're always looking for good people, from barely political to very political, and from background helpers to people going out and making the case. We're locally operated and controlled, growing our own base, and do campaigning and events, as well as coordinating with other nearby groups. Just some of the roles: precinct committeepersons (who get to know their neighbors), election judges, and even people who want to run for local, township, county, and state offices, as well as normal volunteers who help us get the word out. Contact us if you want to get involved or just find out about local and Peoria-area events.

Get the announcements

E-mail us to ask about our announcement or volunteer lists, or other opportunities to meet. We get information about what's going on and when, as well as information on local candidates, and our locally-controlled e-mail list and meetings are a great way to get updated.

Links to political resources

For everyone

For Democrats, progressives, centrists, and recovering Republicans